
OUR TEAM > Natalia Soebagjo


Natalia Soebagjo

Natalia Soebagjo is a former board member of Transparency International (2013-2019) and is currently a member of its International Council.  She was also a  former Chair of the Executive Board of Transparency International Indonesia.

She served as the Executive Director, Centre for the Study of Governance at the University of Indonesia, established with the support of the CSIS Hills Program on Governance; was Member and Secretary, Independent Team on Bureaucratic Reform, which provided policy advice to the Steering Committee for National Bureaucratic Reform, Indonesia chaired by then-Vice President Boediono.  Currently, she is an Independent Commissioner on a listed company in Indonesia and an advisor to the Indonesian Global Compact Network,  member of the expert panel of the Indonesian National Committee of Governance Policy and is active in KAKI (Coalition Against Corruption initiated by CIPE and Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance)

Her other interests are also reflected in her involvement as a board member of a number of CSOs, including  WWF Indonesia, Publish What You Pay Indonesia, TIFA Foundation and Prestasi Junior (member of Junior Achievement worldwide)

Natalia’s academic interest is focused on Modern China and has published articles in this field. Natalia’s experience in the private sector and in civil society organisations has also nurtured a pursuit for a more equitable society, corporate governance and sustainable development.

She studied Chinese Studies  at the University of Indonesia and holds a master’s degree in Asian Studies focussing on modern Chinese society from Berkeley University (California – USA).



Antwerp – Bali – Jakarta – Melbourne – Singapore

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